Like this thing?

I originally wrote this because I love finding random things and I was disappointed when I came across a user who discovered that Reddit's r/random isn't actually random. I figured I could make something more random. And it just grew from there.

The way this works is that a random English word is chosen to search against the above sources and then a random result from that query is returned. There are some other minor tweaks based on the source, but that is overview.

I understand that this is far from truly random, hence the name.

Wondering about me?

To make a bookmark button that automatically takes you directly to a result for the above criteria, use the following URL:
You have no recent history or have cleared your cookies.

Version Six 2022 03 04

  • Complete redesign for desktop and mobile
    • Now an infinite horizontal scroller on desktop
    • Now an infinite vertical scroller on mobile
  • Added Spotify as a source
  • Word dictionary updated to contain less obscure words (helps with speed)
  • Updates to multiple searches to make them faster
  • Removed Internet Archive search (it was too slow)
  • Removed history (no longer needed with scrolling behavior)
  • Refactored back-end code to be more structured
Version Five 2021 06 11
  • Added Internet Archive item search
  • Updated YouTube searching module
Version Four
  • Add pull-down animation for mobile
Version Three 2020 09 25
  • Pull down on mobile now re-rolls random choice
  • You can now re-roll specific words by clicking them from the history tab
    • Your reroll source will be whatever is selected in the menu
    • If no results are found, you'll get a new random word
  • Add Open Graph metadata to main page for friendly social media sharing
  • Minor fix to disable menu change while loading
  • Handle AJAX errors better: retry and if it still fails, display alert
Version Two 2020 09 16
  • Added Open Graph preview rendering for links
  • Added History tab to show recent rolls
  • Updated layout to be mobile friendly
Version One 2020 09 07
  • Initial Revision